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Jason Small

Customer Experience Rep.

As a kid in suburban NJ, my mom told me that I couldn’t have a bb gun, and I couldn’t have a motorcycle. So I joined the Army and got a bike. The Army was good for me, and riding changed my life. Other than that, my mom was right about everything else.

Sitting still is a struggle for me, so traveling by bike suits me well. The world just seems to make more sense to me when viewed from the seat of a motorcycle. I love the highs of a trip, but I also embrace the struggles because that’s where personal growth happens if you let it.

For many years, riding was my social life. I did a job I didn’t love, but I had a great crew of riding buddies, and I racked up a bunch of miles seeing the western half of the US and Canada. All this travel has left my phone full of photos, my mind full of memories, and my heart full of joy. A few years back, I jumped at the opportunity to work as a motorcycle instructor full-time. Riding became my professional life too. I loved teaching students how to ride. It was an honor to be able to introduce people to riding and help them learn how to ride and ride well. After that, I had a brief stint in motorcycle sales, which I really liked too. I also have a part-time gig as a control rider at a track day company. (If you ever get the chance to attend one, go for it! It’s a hoot!). Then, something amazing happened. I fulfilled a years-long dream of joining the Mosko team.

I’ve known about Mosko since 2016. I met some folks from the company and made some new friends. Then I had a transformative experience. I was fortunate to attend a special gathering. It was like no other gathering I’d been to up until that point. I have called it the first day of the second half of my life. I really got to know the Mosko crew. (Not just the people who work there, but their friends and customers too. This brand really attracts a certain type of people.) I fed off of their stoke. I was inspired. I found my tribe. If you’re reading this, I bet you know what I’m talking about. I set a goal of someday being a part of this team. It seemed like a far-fetched goal at the time, but I held on to it, and here I am!

It’s a real treat to interact with you, our customers. To hear about your trips, your stories, your bikes, your crashes, all of it. If you see me at a show or event, come up and say hi, and swap some stories!

Warranty and Crash Replacement

We offer an industry-leading limited lifetime warranty on all our sewn seam bags, and a two year warranty on welded seam bags. Contact us for discounted crash replacement pricing.

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